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Law School Admission Application Statement Help and the Developing World

As a historian of Latin America and someone who has now spent more than a quarter of a century living and working in the Developing World, I take special delight at helping applicants to LLM and JD Programs who are themselves originally from the Developing World and seek ongoing professional education in Law so as to contribute to the political and economic development of their societies of origin.

 Excellent law schools provide a solid foundation of interdisciplinary theories and practices to improve the quality of life for populations in the developing world and I am especially fond of working with the themes of sustainable human development, leading to societies that are environmentally sustainable, economically viable, and socially just.


Introduction to Law School for First-Year Students

Your Personal Statement

Have you considered how important your personal statement is to your application? An excellent statement can make the difference between getting an interview and not getting one. A strong personal statement makes your application stand out from the crowd.

With the tight competition in today's market, it's even more essential that your personal statement is well received.   I personally work hard to compose your statement tailored to  the information that you provide to produce a one-of-a-kind document. The final product is a personal statement that truly showcases you and your talents, accomplishments, and experiences.

Professional Statement Writing and Editing Service

Premium Service 


With maximum creativity, research, priority attention, and as many drafts as needed!


While my PHD is in the area of Religion, I like to think of myself as more of a historian than a theologian. My focus has always been on moral theory and thinking as it relates to politics and international relations; yet, I have always been aware of how all of this invariably takes place on the foundation of Law. It is our legal system and its enforcement that makes moral thinking, dialogue, and, subsequently progress possible.

I wrote my doctoral dissertation on the subject of conflict in Central America, most particularly the role of women. But I had to put all of this in the big picture. Thus, I analyzed Central America in the context of its role as one of the last and most important theaters of the Cold War, which was still winding down when I wrote the dissertation. But it is not just questions of international law that command my special interest. I have been drafting expert statements on behalf of applicants for law school now for the past 15 years and I do so for applicants whose special interest and long term career goals lie in a broad range of areas. I have done a lot of work, for example, in the areas of commerce, intellectual property, family, and most of all criminal law. It would be an honor for me to help you to get accepted as well.

How to Be the World’s Best Law Student

What I Wish I'd Known When Starting Law School.